We are pleased to announce our first anniversary on Feb. 6, 2018. What a great year we have had! From Feb.6th, 2017 to Feb.8th, 2018 SEEDS Garage Sales has made $13680.81, minus our rent and a few expenses. Therefore 94% of what we collect goes directly to our projects, The Silozi Seed Bank, The Ngoni Seed Bank and Trees For Elephants.
Since opening the store we have provided Community hours to 27 volunteers. Provided two students in Zambia post secondary education. One is presently in nursing school and the other has just started an agriculture course so he may take over SEEDS-Mongu when our manager Fredrick & I are too old to do so.
We have made improvements to our Bed & Breakfast in Mongu including two solar showers, tiling the dining room and kitchen floors, new curtains, linens, planted over 1000 trees and some landscaping in front of the flats.
We have been able to send more fruit and vegetable seeds to new farmers in Zambia and have opened a new location in Chipata. We are helping feed conservation officers in a National Park in Zambia who are in turn helping Elephants. I don’t want to give away the name of the park so poachers will not find it.
I am so pleased as well that when we send the seeds, now more that 1.6 million, we are also able to send a few gifts to the children and volunteers in Zambia.
Our store does not just help the people of Zambia, but provides low cost items to those people who have limited income and live in Toronto. We have many seniors, new Canadian’s and persons with disabilities who shop at our store. We thank you for your patronage!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for there kind donations of gently used items to SEEDS Garage Sales Store, for with out you, this all would not have been possible. We receive new items almost daily and we are looking forward to a prosperous summer season. Thank you and enjoy the pictures!
- Emanuel (left), Dad Fredrick (centre) Matindo (right)