SEEDS Garage Sales is located at 1 Browning Ave. Toronto which is two lights north of Broadview Subway Station at Broadview & Danforth.(P)
647 444-5534.
We have a continuous supply of great items for sale.
Our generous community donates gently used items to SEEDS Garage Sales store and we sell them.
We even take credit cards!
All proceeds go to The Silozi Seed Bank & Trees for Elephants in Mongu, Barotseland Africa.
We will be open from 10am-4pm on most days that it doesn’t rain heavily, as we can’t open the store if it rains. We have so much stock that we have to put it outside so people can fit into the store.
We accept gently used donated items, preferably when we are open.
We also have a Canadian Diabetes Trust donation box outside our store but would prefer you leave the items for SEEDS and we will pass on what we cannot use to them.
By all means if you would like to donate some gently used items outside of business hours please call Joanne 647 444-5534 or email
So hope to see you there!
- 1 Browning Ave., Toronto, M4K 1V7
- Clothing, kitchen ware and much much more
- New items donated almost everyday
- Children’s books
SEEDS Garage Sales store is managed by Joanne Hutchinson, President of