My very first boyfriend from many years ago, Mike Campbell, so generously purchased some of the vegetable seeds that we have trouble getting in Canada from a seed supplier and donated them to SEEDS. We will issue an income tax receipt to Mike for his 2020 tax return before the end of February 2021. Thank you Mike for your generous donation and for still being a friend after all of these years.
The reason I say we have trouble getting certain seeds is due to the fact that we save, dry and send seeds to Zambia from foods purchased for consumption here in Canada. Due to Covid-19 we have not been able to collect seeds that have been saved from our volunteers like Thompson Collegiate food school students and teacher Darren Beer.

I have been saving seeds from what my family eats but we really miss all of the seeds previously donated to us so if you would like to start saving seeds from what you eat, please get in touch and I will tell you how to save them. You may email me at,
rinsing acorn squash seeds drying acorn squash seeds
Carrots for example have to be left in the ground for two years before they will go to seed. Therefore I can’t save seeds from carrots, cabbage, onions, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, okra, spinach, so we have to purchase them to send over to Zambia.
It is easy to save seeds from all of the squashes like, acorn, butternut, spaghetti, pumpkin. Also Honeydew melon and cantaloupe, watermelon, Papaya, Pomegranate and all exotic fruit that have seeds and are not GMO ( Genetically Modified), therefore organic. My rule of thumb is that if the fruit comes from a warm climate, it will grow in Zambia. Unfortunately lemon, lime & apple will not grow from Canadian saved seeds.

We are coming up to our fall harvest season where we can get a multitude of beautiful organic fresh fruit and vegetables so now is the time to start saving and drying seeds. Any seeds you could save would be a big help.
Or like my good friend Mike, if you would like to order organic seeds from a Canadian seed supplier, let me know so we may order the much needed seeds and we will provide you a tax receipt for 2020. Joanne phone 647 444-5534, email
Thank you to all and stay safe!