As it is snowing in Canada I am thankful that we are getting our cold weather!
We are unfortunately seeing record rising temperatures around the world. Zambia is into its 2nd year of drought which it has never seen before ( see video below). There are areas just south of Zambia that have not seen rain in 5 yrs. We are also feeling desperate for the animals & people experiencing over 40 degree temperatures in Australia as I write this.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped SEEDS send over 6 million non GMOs fruit & vegetable seeds & providing over 500 families with a means to grow food.
Since we started in 2011, this has been our best year!
SEEDS GARAGE SALES store has divertedĀ tons of useable waste from our landfills which has allowed many people in Toronto to purchase clothing, kitchen supplies, linens, toys for their children & many other items at reasonable prices so they could afford the higher cost of food & housing.
I have many people visit our store who are saddened by the state our globe is in but I say there is a global consciousness that is changing our everyday lives.
I have faith in humanity that we will all, each & every day, do something for our environment & in turn do what is right for ourselves.
What better way to show you all what we have done here at SEEDSĀ than in pictures. here are just a few and more to come in the next few months.
I wouldn’t be me, unless I shared with you, a list of small ways you can do BIG things for our planet in 2020 so stay tuned for my next blog post.
Thank you again for helping me do what I love, and playing a part, by assisting me on my journey to be who I am, and as you have shown, be who you are as well, someone who cares!
B N Squash & cucumbers sweet peppers helping young farmers our orange trees doing well
I am so happy we are able to take the pressure off of new young farmers who are finding their way, by giving them Non-GMO seeds so they don’t have to spend precious dollars that can be used elsewhere. It is very important that we still have young farmers as the old ways are being forgotten and we are helping them learn the old, less costly ways.
newborn Wildebeest Jan. 2020 They have black hides as adults my contact in the park with adult Wildebeest in the background his team of Conservation Officers
I have a connection to a head of law enforcement operations in one of the National Parks. These men are invaluable to protect the animals. We send seeds to the conservation officers as they grow their own vegetable gardens while living in the parks.
These are pictures, just sent to me today, from the park and this is a newborn Wildebeest born in 2020, one of 143 newborn Wildebeest. Their hides turn black when they are adults and they are beautiful. I saw the migration in Liuwa Plains NP in 2011 and these newborns make me very happy!.
Here is a video from BBC and the World Food Programe regarding the drought in Zambia.