Lusaka, Zambia Originally Posted on October 22, 2012 Re posted October 22, 2021 Carl ( my husband) & I landed in Lusaka to the smell of Africa-even at the airport. For those of you who have been to Africa before, you will know what I mean. For those of you who have not, you will k
Matindo Jeff Mulopo will go down in history as a kind, conscientious, smart, hard working genuine soul. Matindo has helped Socio-Economic and Environmental Development Solutions(SEEDS) in so many ways over the years so I am so pleased that he has graduated and become a Registered Nurs
PESTICIDES :: A PUBLIC PROBLEM Whats On My Food? 2.5 Whats On My Food? now tracks bee-toxic pesticide residues alongside the ones with human health implications — and has updated government toxicology data. Note: Our residue data now includes the 2012 datasets, USDA’s lates
Heathrow Airport Posted on September 25, 2012 Updated and reposted August 2021 We arrived safely at Heathrow , went through security to access the common area and at Dee’s suggestion found Carluccios ( easy to remember as my husband’s name is Carl ) restaurant to await whom ever
Originally Posted on September 23, 2012 Revised and reposted August 2021 Best Western was kind enough to let us check out of our room at 1 p.m. instead of the usual 11a.m. as we were scheduled on our boat cruise at 10 am. that morning. They stored our 6 suitcases for the afternoon whi
Zambia Africa 2012′Originally Posted on September 10, 2012 Reposted July 2021 June 28/12 It is almost 2 months until I travel to Africa again but I woke up at 5:30 am this morning feeling as excited as if I was leaving tomorrow. I am going back to Zambia to see Njamba and his family f
Originally Posted on September 21, 2011 Reposed July 2021 See video below: We arrived back at the guest house after our Safari at Liuwa Plains NP and I returned the pots we had borrowed to carry our lunch. Njamba, Ngebe & Mamma retrieved their, now three suitcases out of their cha
Originally Posted on September 20, 2011 Reposted and updated in June 2021 It was now August 23, the last day of my visit with Njamba, his twin sister and Mum. I was up when it was still dark but the sun came up shortly thereafter around 6:00hrs. I had a shower, got dressed and sat on
Originally Posted on September 20, 2011 Reposted in May 2021 After meeting in their village, Mamma, Njamba, Ngebe, Jami, David , Max & I climbed back into the vehicle with the rice, bananas on the floor and the suitcases on top. The live chicken’s legs were tied and it was placed