We all arrived at Nyoka Guest House in Kalabo and got settled in. The three boys shared a chalet, Mualuka ( our interpreter), Frederick (Our driver who is now our manager in Mongu at The Silozi Seed Bank & Trees for Elephants) and Dominic (Njmaba, Kufuku and Mutiowa’s father
Posted on November 10, 2012 Re posted and updated May 2022 After meeting everyone ( outside in the dark, we moved into a conference area with tables and chairs and brought all of the luggage in. Frederick suggested that we wait and give the gifts in the morning but I am sure they were
Originally Posted on November 10, 2012 Updated and reposted March 2022 We finally made it to the pontoon crossing and I had two curious fellows present themselves to me who were trying to better their English. We managed to communicate very well considering. Every time I said some thi
We passed through Kafue National Park and stopped at the only gas station between there & Mongu and guess what? There wasn’t any gas! The truck was apparently on it’s way to fill the holding tanks. While Frederick was speaking with the owner of the filling station a large white fl
As you drive across the Great West Road from Lusaka, you pass through Kafue National Park and takes about two hours to drive through. This is on the way to Mongu at about 110k/per hour and that is the thinnest part of the park. See the black line in the picture from Lusaka to Mongu. T
Most Zambian’s travel by bus, which are quite comfortable ( some with air conditioning) if you can afford it, but there are many other means to get around. In 2012 it cost k150, one way from Lusaka to Mongu, in 2020 it costs approximately k200. k=Zambian Kwatcha. Or you can hitc
As you know from our last Blog, we sent 135,439 non GMO fruit and vegetable seeds to Zambia on Dec. 6, 2021. Therefore they will not reap the harvest from these seeds for about 3-4 months. This brings us to over 6,263,049 seeds sent since October 2013 when we received our charitable s
135,439 fruit and vegetable seeds have arrived in Lusaka, Zambia Africa via DHL and will soon be arriving in Mongu for distribution to Kalabo, and Kaoma. Thanks to, seed donations from our generous civilian partners, since 2011, we have sent approximately 6,263,049 non GMO fruit, vege