Or for more information re Community Giving go to
https://givingtuesday.ca/gtnow Thank you
GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.
We’re launching #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity to take place on May 5, 2020, as a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Due to the fact that SEEDS Garage Sales store has been closed since March 13, 2020 due to COVID-19 we have not been able to raise any funds to send non-GMO fruit and vegetable seeds to our 6 locations in Zambia.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping your gently used items at home and not leaving them in front of SEEDS Garage Sales Store right now. I will let everyone know when we will be able to accept donations again.
This is a crucial time as the harvest in Zambia, from January 2020 is used up and it is time to plant the cooler weather crops like squashes, carrots, sweet peppers to ensure people have healthy food to keep their immune systems strong to fight off this devastating virus.
We do have some seed now but IT WON’T LAST LONG and we will need to send more as soon as DHL is delivering packages to Zambia again. If you have any NON GMO fruit or vegetable seed you would like to donate, please send me an email @ joanne@sendseedstoafrica.org.
Or if you would like to volunteer at SEEDS Garage Sales Store, once we are open again, feel free to get in touch with Joanne.
I don’t like to ask, but if you could, please give a monetary donation now so we have the funds to send more seeds A.S.A.P., when planes are flying to Zambia again. Look up SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS (SEEDS) http://canadahelps.org/.
Canadahelps.org will send you an income tax receipt for 2020.
This could save many lives by allowing them to grow there own food to see them through this disaster. As we all know, the health care systems and government in African countries are not as strong and organized as we are in Canada. Let’s give the people a means to save themselves.
Anything you can give will go directly to the people and will be much appreciated. Thank you
I have shared some photos of the children you will be helping and our latest vegetable gardens at our Resource Centre in Mongu, Barpotseland.
Joanne Hutchinson
Founder and President
Socio-Economic and Environmental Development Solutions (SEEDS)
4 Browning Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4K 1V7
phone: 647 444-5534
Charity # 801572736 RR0001

Joanne helping kids clean up plastic waste at our Resource Garden in Mongu 2014.

Thank you and stay safe! Click onhttp://canadahelps.org and look up SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS(SEEDS) to make a monetary donation. Thank you